1) In the construction of the outer jacket of a fire hose the material used is?
a. Cotton
b. Nylon
c. Rayon Vinyl
d. Rubber blends
e. Polyester
f. All of the above

2) There are 5 categories of heat energy, Name ONE.
a. Spontaneous Heating
b. Heat of Decomposition
c. Mechanical
d. Heat of Solution

3) Fire hoses must be able to withstand pressures and be rigid.
a. True
b. False

4) Fire hoses can be damaged in a variety of ways, to prevent this you can.
a. Close the nozzle slowly
b. Change position of bends when reloading
c. None of the above
d. A & B

5) There are 4 types of chemical reactions, name one.
a. Chemical
b. Solar
c. Oxidation
d. Combustion

6) Booster hose normally has couplings with rocker lungs.
a. True
b. False

7) Storz-type couplings are.
a. Threaded

8) The amount of heat generated by the combustion reaction is.
a. Chemical Reaction
b. Heat of combustion
c. Solar Heat
d. Mechanical Heat

9) Heat from electrical arching is what type
a. Solar Heat
b. Electrical Heat
c. Nuclear Heat
d. Chemical Heat

10) Pin Lug Couplings are commonly ordered with new hose
a. True
b. False

11) A hose jacket is used to prevent the flow of water
a. True
b. False

12) Mechanical Heat is generated 2 ways.
a. Friction and compression
b. Compression and conduction
c. Conduction and friction
d. Convection and conduction

13) To prevent thermal damage to a hose you should.
a. Allow the hose to remain in a heated area after it is dry
b. Run water through a hose that is not been used in some time.
c. Protect the hose from freezing temperatures
d. Both B&C
e. Both A&C

14) Electromagnetic radiation is called.
a. Electrical heat energy
b. Mechanical heat energy
c. Nuclear heat energy.
d. Solar heat energy.

15) What 3 things do you need for fire?
a. Gas-Match-Paper
b. Fuel-heat-solids
c. Heat-water-fuel
d. Oxygen-heat-fuel.

16) When advancing hose up or down a stairway, you should.
a. A, let the hose lay wherever it is.
b. B. Lay the hose on the outside of the stairwell.
c. C. Lay the hose on the inside of the stairwell.

17) When fire is in the hot smoldering phase, what can occur when air is introduced?
a. Fire
b. Flashover
c. Back draft
d. Chemical Reaction

18) The Siamese and wye adapters are often confused because of the close resemblance but the difference is what between the two.
a. Wye appliances have one male discharge and two of three female inlets.
b. Siamese appliances have one female inlet and two or three male outlets.
c. Siamese appliances have two or three inlets and one outlet and the wye appliance has one inlet and two outlets.
d. None OF the above.

19) When advancing into a class A fire, The backup firefighter should carry
a. Flashlight
b. Tools
c. Help handle the line
d. A and B
e. A and C
f. B and C

20) If ventilation is delayed you should.
a. Keep the nozzle on the fog.
b. Keep the nozzle on the straight stream.

21) When a room reaches to the point of ignition, it is at what point.
a. Phase one of the fire
b. Back draft
c. Rollover
d. Flashover

22) A Class D fire Extinguisher is used on what type of Fire.
a. Wood Fire
b. Chemical Fire
c. Metal Fire
d. Liquid Fire

23) What type of fire extinguisher would be used on an oil fire?
a. Class C
b. Class B
c. Class D
d. Class A

24) Thermal layering is disturbed by
a. Straight Stream
b. Ventilation
c. Fog Patter
d. A & C
e. B & C

25) What type of fire extinguisher would you use on an overhaul of a brush fire.
a. Class D
b. Pump Tank Water Extinguisher
c. Portable Class C extinguisher
d. Portable Class D Extinguisher

26) What type of fire does a Class B fire Extinguisher put out?
a. House Fire
b. Chemical Fire
c. Oil Fire
d. Mechanical Fire

27) When using water as a cooling agent on storage tank fires you should.
a. Aim the water at the upper ½ of the tank
b. Aim the water at the upper part of the tank
c. Aim the water at the upper 1/3 of the tank
d. Aim the water at the middle of the tank

28) A direct attack involves aiming the stream at the ceiling above the fire and letting the water rain down on the burning materials.
a. True
b. False

29) If natural Gas is burning the flame should be extinguished
a. True
b. False

30) When attacking a fire in a multi level building, You should organize the
a. Attack from the fire floor
b. Attack from the floor above
c. Attack from the floor below
d. All of the above

31) When looking for fire extension you should start.
a. In the corner working
b. Above the fire floor
c. In the walls
d. From the hardest charred area

32) When checking for fire extension you should always have a charged hose line.
a. True
b. False

33) Type I Construction is known as fire-resistive construction.
a. True
b. False

34) What type of extinguisher uses a FFF
a. Water pump can
b. Chemical extinguisher
c. Class b extinguisher
d. Class a extinguisher

35) What extinguisher can you use from the farthest distance.
a. Class A
b. Class B
c. Class D
d. Class C

36) What does P.A.S.S Stand for
a. Push aim squeeze sweep
b. Pin arm sleeve shovel
c. Pull aim squeeze sweep
d. Personal armed safety sweep.

37) What provides life safety protection by omitting a loud shriek if the fire fighter should collapse?
a. CBA

38) There are two types of breathing apparatus, which one is used most in the fire department services.
a. Open Circuit
b. Full Loop Circuit
c. Closed circuit
d. Re-breather

39) What protects the face and lungs?
a. Face shield
b. Helmets
c. Pass
d. Scba

40) More fire deaths occur from which toxic product.
a. Carbon Dioxide
b. Carbon Monoxide
c. Hydrogen chloride
d. Hydrogen Cyanide

41) Type III construction is known as ordinary construction.
e. True
f. False

